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The cost of shares of PJSC Sberbank

Sberbank (PJSC Sberbank of Russia) is the largest transnational and universal bank in Russia, Central and Eastern Europe, a Russian financial conglomerate. It has the most extensive network of subsidiaries throughout Russia (about 15,000). Controlled by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Sberbank share price today

Company namePrice per share, RUB

The stock price is shown at the time the page is loaded (18:28 17.09.2024). To get the latest data, just refresh the page.

Sberbank share price dynamics

Change in the value of Sberbank shares (rubles)
Chart of price changes for shares of PJSC Sberbank

The graph shows the average value of Sberbank shares for one day.

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The cost of shares of PJSC Sberbank
My shares2022-10-2200:00Rating: 5
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