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PJSC Aeroflot share price

Aeroflot (PJSC Aeroflot) is the largest Russian airline with over ninety years of history (one of the oldest airlines in the world). Since its inception, it has been a state-owned enterprise. Currently, the state has a controlling stake in this company. It has several subsidiaries that are part of the holding - Aeroflot Group.

Aeroflot share price today

Company namePrice per share, RUB

The share price is indicated at the time the page is loaded (14:19 22.10.2024). For up-to-date information, simply refresh the page.

Aeroflot share price dynamics

Change in Aeroflot share price (RUB)
PJSC Aeroflot share price chart

The graph shows the average price of Aeroflot shares for one day.

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PJSC Aeroflot share price
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